Life in lockdown week 34

Life In Lockdown | Birthday Time {Week 34}

November 8, 2020

The first full week of November has brought us the start of another lockdown. As well as two of the children’s birthdays. Not to mention the returning to schooling the Autumn half-term holidays. A busy week around I’m sure you can agree. We were somewhat ready for the chaos of the birthdays and luckily were prepared for the closure of non-essential shops during life in lockdown.

Life in lockdown… Week 34

Life In Lockdown - Roo's birthday

Roo turns fourteen

Whilst many of associate the fifth of November with fireworks and bonfires rather than the Gunpowder Plot by Guy Fawkes. For us, the day marks the day Roo burst into our lives fourteen years ago.

Having seen her friends celebrate their birthdays in lockdown she had hoped that her birthday would be somewhat normal. However, with the new lockdown starting on her birthday plans were pushing aside for fun at home. At least she was still able to go to school and see her friends, albeit not the way she wanted to celebrate.

Tigger turns ten

In the blink of an eye my little boy has reached double figures, With a complicated birth it is a day that holds some bittersweet memories for me.

With a laid-back nature, he wasn’t too fussed about his birthday falling during the lockdown. Enjoying chips and a foot-long sausage from the chip shop earlier in the week before the lockdown took hold. He loved the games and accessories he received as gifts. Spending the day exploring his new games and chatting to his friends via game chat.

Life In Lockdown - Tigger's birthday

Lockdown 2.0

Last weekend the announcement came that we would be heading into another lockdown. With all non-essential shops and businesses closing. The message of stay home, protect the NHS and save lives reiterated to all throughout the week. For the most part, our lives haven’t changed, with the children still attending school, What The Dad Said heading out to work and myself only heading out for the weekly food shop.

Life in lockdown feels different from the one back in March. I’m not sure whether people are not taking it seriously or have become complacent. Supermarket car parks full and queues to get in and very little social distancing from others walking around the store. With lots of people still heading out and about, and whilst we can enjoy our 30 minutes of exercise a day I don’t think that means a drive to your nearest National Trust etc.

At the end of the day I can only do my bit, protecting myself and my family as much as possible. I can’t change what others are doing.

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