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The Month That Was… August 2019

September 1, 2019

Oh, August where have you gone? Our days filled with fun, sun (for the most part) and adventures. We’re all completely shattered and craving routine but it’s been a blast. The children have played, laughed and cried – it’s never all plain sailing. Thankfully nothing too major just standard family life.

It’s been a month of family adventure with a visit from Granny. Plus a surprise trip from my brother. Allowing us to enjoy some time together, something we don’t get very often. With each of us living miles apart – we really need to work on getting together more often. Alongside this, we’ve had fun with Magic Nanny on an extra special Disney On Ice skating event. Plus a wonderful woodland walk with Magic Nanny and Bad Dad.

This is the month that was… August 2019

Boo and What The Dad Said

For the most part of the past month has seen us passing like ships in the night. Between working hours, events and activities it has meant we haven’t necessarily seen each other as much as we would have liked. Although his week off and our multitude of family adventures have allowed us to reconnect. It was hard to see him head back off to work afterward though.


You’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s the school holidays and therefore Roo wouldn’t have any performing arts rehearsals/shows – wrong! Having signed up for a summer workshop. A musical in a week – performing High School Musical. She worked so hard and the cast did an amazing feat pulling it all together. As it fell the week that Granny was here she did miss out on some of the fun and adventures that we had with her – but that goes hand in hand with growing up.

Summer has seen sleepovers, swimming, rollercoasters and tired grumps. Burning the candle at both ends has brought out the grumpy/moody side. Thankfully long car journeys have allowed her to catch up on much-needed sleep.


Swimming will be one of Tigger’s highlight’s this summer. Moving up to the next level in his lesson, pushing him to work harder. Our trip to Butlins allowed him a new level of freedom and fun in the pool. Enabling him to see how his hard work is paying off. Even brave enough to take on the water slides.

His adventurous nature continues to grow, which still makes me nervous (but I just need to get over it). More thrilling rollercoasters, completing the Go Ape Tree Adventure course and getting stuck in with whatever is put in front of him. I’m so proud of him.


What to say about Piglet? She is a whirlwind and has been living her best life this summer. Babyccinos (free in Starbucks! who knew?), meeting characters at Butlins and splashing down water slides.

Her last summer before she starts preschool which is something that makes me happy and sad. She is going to have a blast, I just hope that the preschool teachers are ready for her – she is so very different from Tigger!

What adventures did you get up to over the summer?

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