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The month that was… May 2019

June 1, 2019

Another month has gone in the blink of an eye. I find it quite sad when I think about how quickly the days are passing. Questioning whether we are making the most of every day or simply counting down until bedtime, or the next event on the family calendar.

With the days and weeks passing so quickly I feel woefully out of touch with family and friends. Life feels so busy that everyone is juggling so much. That it can sometimes be longer between messages and get-togethers than everyone would have liked. It does mean that the time when we do reconnect is that bit more special.

Anyway, enough of my melancholy and back to the month that was May in the Boo Roo and Tigger Too household.

So this was the month that was May…


I’m really fortunate to have had a busy month out and about. Catching with the ‘friends in my computer’ at the BlogOn Conference at the beginning of the month. With Debbie from An Organised Mess agreeing to once again share a room with me. Despite knowing that we always end up chatting until the small hours.

Then the week before half term was manic but in a good way. A LONG drive to the Studio Ambassadors Immersion Day in Blackburn. Where I learnt so much about the brand that I have been ordering from since I was a teenager requesting things from my mum’s catalogue. Followed by a trip to Hotter Shoes in Norwich for the most amazing yellow sandals. Finally a trip to London to find out about the new Sky Buddy parental controls for Sky Broadband customers.


I often sit and think about how much Roo’s high school experience is so far from what my own experience was. Which is only a good thing as I didn’t really take to high school (oh how hindsight is a wonderful thing). She is loving high school and is grabbing each new experience with both hands. This month seeing her join the Rounders team and compete in her first two matches (they lost both, but it’s the taking part that counts). Performing Arts is still very much high on her priority list with a recent casting as Juliet in an interschool showcase of Romeo and Juliet.

Parents evening threw up a few curve balls, however, on the whole, the teachers love her – if she could only stop chatting. It’s not necessarily disruptive chatter as such just speaking when not required. Something she needs to learn on, and something that I still struggle with as an adult.


After signing up to 101 after school clubs this term he is loving learning Spanish, comic club and completing multi-sports. This month did see hime being left behind whilst his class headed off on residential camp. Although he loved the step up to Year 4 for a few days and had a different kind of fun at school.


I’d hoped by the time I wrote this post I’d have a definitive answer as to whether or not she’d be attending the school preschool in September. However, we are still in limbo but hope to find out in the next week or so.

Aside to preschool issues she has had a fun month. With a Karate tester session at nursery, which they sent me the most adorable video of her joining in – too cute. She also loved visiting BeWILDerwood, which was out first visit as a family and she loved the Towering Treetop Tangles.

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