A group of people standing in front of a building

Siblings {July 2018}

July 15, 2018

It’s mid-July already and the summer is fast approaching. By this point in the year, I have usually arranged all our summer plans. This year, however, it’s a relaxed affair – that is code for I haven’t had the time to even think about it yet.

The amazing weather we’ve been enjoying recently has meant that the children have spent so much time together in the garden. The introduction of a football goal has had them enjoying football long after the World Cup fever has calmed down.

So what’s new with the siblings this month?

Siblings {July 2018}

A group of people standing in front of a building


The final days of primary school are ahead of Roo. You’d think that these days would be all about chilling out and cruising through to the end of the school year. Instead its been full on days of dance and performance rehearsals. Shows at her new high school, full English breakfasts and getting her SATs results.


Finally Tigger has lost one of his top front teeth. It’s been wobbling forever! Plus it is the tooth that was chipped as a toddler. It’s so weird to see him with only one front tooth – although not as weird as seeing him without a chipped tooth.


She’s going through a big developmental leap at the moment. With her speech improving each and every day. New words, sentences and pronunciation – especially when she is attempting to get her point across. She has the most adorable angry face. Perfecting an angry stare and stance to go with it – too cute!

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