When it comes to sex education and discussions about puberty and periods etc. We are all still rather British about it all. It is something that we all go through, yet is still one of those subjects we shy away from. However, it is a subject that we need to openly talk about with our children in order to guide them through the process as smoothly as possible.
As a child, I attended a Catholic primary school and had sex education taught in the local convent. With boys and girls separated to learn only about their bodies and the changes puberty would make. It’s quite a dated approach and one that has almost been eradicated from teaching practices.
When do you start preparing for first periods?
Last year Roo started learning all about the birds and the bees at school and what puberty has in store for her and her classmates. In her last year of primary school, I am all too aware that whilst the school can talk about the subject broadly, I as a parent need to ensure that the line of communication is open at home too. With her 11th birthday coming up and the possibility of changes happening I thought it was time to ensure that we were prepared. Wanting to ensure that Roo has everything she requires the DAME Sanitary Owl’s First Period Box contains all the essentials ready for when she needs them.
Sanitary Owl’s First Period Box
Sanitary Owl’s First Period Box // Contents
- A selection of pads and tampons – Lil-lets teen liners / Lil-lets teen pads / Lil-lets teen night pads / Lil-lets non-applicator / Tampax applicator lite / Tampax Pearl lite / Tampax Compak lite / Natracare applicator
- Have you started yet? book – You and your period: getting the facts straight
- Travel wallet – to carry pads/tampons at school or out and about
- Drawstring bag – to store pads/tampons at home
- Doisy & Dam chocolate bar – just because
Featuring a range of practical items such as the drawstring bag and travel wallet to aid the discreetness wanted in the early months of periods. To the selection of pads and tampons to help find the type that suits them the best. Finished off with a bat or chocolate, because we all require additional chocolate when it is that time of the month. As well as a helpful book that can be read alone or something that parents can sit down and talk them through.
Sanitary Owl’s First Period Box // How do I order?
The Sanitary Owl’s First Period Box is a one-off purchase of £15.00, available from DAME. However, they also offer a subscription service for other sanitary items
Sanitary Owl’s First Period Box // Giveaway
Boo Roo and Tigger Too have teamed up with DAME to help you ensure you are ready for that all important first period. With a Sanitary Owl’s First Period Box to giveaway to one reader.
To enter simply complete the Gleam widget below:
Sanitary Owl’s First Period Box
Disclosure: We received a Sanitary Owl’s First Period Box FOC for the purpose of review
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