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Education Quizzes giving me parent power back

February 22, 2017

When my children started school, I have to confess to being one of those parents who just assumed that they learned everything that they needed to within the school hours. Yes, they would come home with some reading, a bit of homework and maybe some spellings. With the bulk of their knowledge taught from the qualified teachers within their schools.

I was wrong.

Very wrong.

I recently wrote about how Roo has started to attend Homework Club after school on a Monday night. After many, many arguments and disagreements, I was at a loss as to how to handle the subject of homework. Thankfully I turned to Education Quizzes range of articles written for parents which include helpful quizzes. The articles are 999 words long and are a great resource for parents to access a range of subjects depending on what information or assistance is required.

Homework hints was the resource that I reached out for in an attempt to try to make the battle easier for both of us. The helpful article was broken down into sections and give reasoning behind homework, the amount of homework my children should be expecting as well as ideas on how to be organised in the approach to completing homework. 

Whilst the hints and tips didn’t work for Roo and I (our personalities are too similar so we clash over anything), I can see how useful having this resource available can be. With new challenges and advice always needed I can see the Parent 999 section becoming my go-to resource whenever I need to see how I can tackle a new subject or navigate my way through primary school – plus it isn’t that long until I need to start thinking about selecting a secondary school for Roo.

Join Education Quizzes

Subscription costs you just £9.95 per month and you can easily cancel at any time – even after just one month! You get immediate access to play all the revision quizzes in every curriculum on the site. 

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post

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