The first week of the New Year is almost over. It would appear that this year is going to pass as quickly as the last one. I never thought I’d catch myself wishing for time to slow down but I feel as though I blink and another week has gone.
One of my goals this year was to try to record more about what we have been up to. Whilst our family life isn’t full of grand adventures, it is just the everyday moments so I want to cherish those.
I’d love to record that I have sat down in a comfy chair and lost myself in the words of Jane Austen or similar. However, I have been getting back to basics and flicking through my Bloglovin feed. Reading other blogs, commenting on the posts that strike me and sharing them on social media. Before I started blogging I would avidly read many blogs and comment away. Sadly I slowly began to read and comment less and less so this week as part of my goals I have been falling back in love with reading rambles, milestones and everything in-between.
Late last year Mr. Boo and I were chatting to his parents about TV series and they mentioned how they thought we would like Broadchurch. We downloaded Series 1 and 2 onto our Sky+ box and that was that it stayed just there. For one reason or another we never started watching, then on New Year’s Eve, we watched the first episode. That was it, hooked. We’ve managed to watch the whole of series 1 this week and I’m eager to start on series 2. Especially as I know that there is a third series coming this year.
Last year I reviewed the VQ Retro Mini radio and over December I had taken it upstairs to listen to whilst I wrapped all the presents. Earlier this week I brought it back down into the kitchen and I’m so thankful that I did. Spending quite a proportion of my day in there is now filled with music. Happily singing along and dancing around the tile with the children… bliss.
Attempting to start the year as I mean to go on, I’ve been batch cooking a few delicious treats this week. Starting with my pulled pork recipe, however, this didn’t go quite to plan as Mr. Boo decided to take some of the extra pots into work for his colleagues. They did send me a Facebook message to thank me so I guess I should be grateful.
On New Year’s Day, I went through my wardrobe and threw out my old comfortable jeans. The ones that were too big and could be pulled down without undoing them. Replacing them with the skinner version that has been sitting in my wardrobe for what feels like forever. And they fit! They are a little snug I will grant you, however, it does make me think about what I’m stuffing into my face when I sit down.
The children went back to school on Thursday. The house felt so empty with just Piglet and me mulling around in it. I’m sure that Piglet missed them too as she couldn’t quite understand why there was just mummy to play with (especially as she laughs far more with them). Having them back at school does make me appreciate the weekends once more and need to start planning what adventures we get up to this year.
We did make the most of the last few days of the Christmas holidays with a trip to the SEALIFE Centre Great Yarmouth. It does feel funny not having it on our doorstep anymore but I suppose it makes us appreciate it more when we do visit.
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