A bunch of items that are on a table

Winter necessities

Despite the mild weather we have been enjoying this week winter is upon is. If I’m honest winter is possibly my favourite season unless it is raining (I don’t like getting wet). It might be my northern roots that makes me used to the cold but there is something about winter that really captures me.

From wrapping up in layers, snuggling into a warm hat, scarf and gloves set whenever you venture outdoors. The endless possibility of whether it is too cold to snow and if it does snow whether it will wither stay long enough to build a snowman or be gone as quick as it came.

Winter necessities

Just as everyone prepares for summer I like to prepare for winter, making sure that I have all the winter necessities. From a snuggly coat to keep out the winter weather, cosy socks, a bobble hat to capture that escaping heat as well providing that cringe factor for the children on the school run but most importantly a changing case for my phone to make sure I have enough battery life to capture all my winter photos.


This winter I really need to make sure that I am prepared for whatever the weather can throw at me as I’m not able to drive until the middle of January following my caesarean with Piglet. With seafront school run walks, trips to the supermarket and errands into town all needing to be done on foot (I’m normally one of those lazy people who takes their car everywhere) I am ensuring that I have everything I need in order to be cosy whilst I am out and about. 

Alongside the items above I also need to put together the perfect winter playlist to help me enjoy my wintery walks whilst bopping along to classic tunes. This week I’ve been attempting to get myself feeling all festive by listening to Christmas songs, the problem with this is that I want to sing a long to them (apologies to anyone who has seen me miming along as I push Piglet along the seafront).

What are your winter necessities?

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