Tigger had his taster day at Nursery on Wednesday. Roo attended the same nursery from the age of 5 months until she was 2 1/2 years old, so I was fimilar with layout of the nursery.
The Nursery…
Tigger will be in the Baby & toddler room (0-2 years) better known as the Starfish Room. They only have up to 6 children in there at any one time, which I like. They have two members of full time staff who are the key workers in the room, Tigger hasn’t been assigned to one as yet they like to see if a child bonds with either worker first.
A few things have changed since Roo attended, for the better. You are no longer required to bring in cutlery, bowls, bibs and juice cups for your child. These are provided and the juice cups have a photo of each child on them so that they can identify their cup. Only water or milk is allowed in line with Ofsteds recommendations.
Tigger will have is own tray which I can store nappies, wipes, muslins and spare dummies. He is very much attached to his muslins so I decided to dye them all red so that I would know which ones were his. However, he does now look like Iggle Piggle now.
How he got on…
Tigger didn’t seemed phased by it all, he a laid back baby (just like his daddy). After I had filled in the relevant paperwork it was time for me to leave him for an hour. When I returned he was fast asleep in one of the cots, so I don’t need to worry about him sleeping. The nursery worker told me that his had tried some melon during snack time but he didn’t seem too interested in it. he had also played with some of the musical instruments.
All in all…
I’m sure that Tigger will be ok at the nursery, just me that will be a nervous wreck. His first full day is next Wednesday (eek!).
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