As many of you will know I returned to work at the beginning of September working three days a week. This means that Tigger attends childcare between 8.30-3.00 three days a week. Fortunately Roo is now full time at school, however this brings me some guilt. I get to spend two whole days with Tigger watching him grow and learn but I feel I’m missing out on my time with Roo.
Every Tuesday afternoon at her school they have a story cafe for her class, so mums, dads, nans etc are invited to come along. We listen to a story then do activities related to the story and what they have been learning in class.
I have attended every week and take Tigger along in the pushchair, which the school are OK about, but I’m not…
‘Is it fair on Roo that during her class activity she has to share my attention with Tigger?’
So this week I left Tigger with my mum whilst I went along and it was great to see how much she is improving with her school work every week. I feel I need set aside more time for Roo, which is easier said than done but I miss our girly times and I’m sure she does too
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