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Living Arrows Week Fifteen {2015}

April 13, 2015

The past week has seen a change in Tigger, if I’m honest it has been coming on gradually for a few weeks but this week has seen the change take hold.

Somewhere between being that cute little boy who only has to give me a look before he is forgiven for whatever he has just done and the one who is unsure about doing new things, unsure of climbing on and off things, unsure about the world around him – he has changed into this cheeky, full of energy, chatter and eagerness to try new adventures.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining, I’m loving seeing this new side to him. He has surprised me so much this past week that I wonder what has happened to make him come out of his shell and turn into this cheeky little boy in front of me.

The boy who has taken to copying everything that Roo is saying, listening to them in the back of the car as he recites something else she has said. Swiftly followed by Roo saying ‘are you going to copy everything I say?’ and him repeating it – it’s really quite funny, not that Roo finds it so funny.

The boy who will stand his ground when it comes to things he does and doesn’t want to do. A week of poor eating again but you have stood looking at me, hands on hips ‘I am not hungry!’ with a determined look upon your face that makes me know that when you want something to eat you’ll come and ask.

The boy who asked to go on a fairground ride at the local Easter fair at the weekend and not only went on his own but truly loved it!

A small child in a car

My darling Tigger I’m quite liking this new side to you!

You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth – Khalil Gibran

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