5 Tips for Staying in Shape on Vacation

August 11, 2019

Vacations are all about having fun and relaxing, but it won’t be much fun if you end up sick or out of shape when you get back to the real world. Whether you’re travelling for business or for fun, it’s important to not let fitness fall by the wayside. 

Luckily, from staying hydrated while you travel to making sure to eat right, there are different ways that you can stay in shape on your vacation, whether it’s a working one or not. Below, you’ll find a few simple ways to help you stay fit while you travel. 

Take Advantage of the Hotel Gym

One of the easiest and perhaps the most effective ways to stay fit while travelling is by taking advantage of the gym in your hotel. For someone who is used to camping, biking, hiking, and other outdoor activities, it might not be as much fun, but it is a means to an end. Besides, you could end up making business contacts or even a new friend in the hotel gym as well. 

Keep Moving 

While it may be tempting to laze away your vacation days lying on the beach or by the pool, and then going out to eat in the evening, that’s not the way to stay fit. You can certainly do those things, but you also need to keep moving as well. Whether it’s putting on your women’s shapewear, and your workout clothes over that, and heading out on a long walk or scheduling a walking tour to see the sights, keeping moving is key if you don’t want to end your vacation by going home completely out of shape. 

A man walking up a hill with clouds in the sky

Take a Long Walk

Once that calorie-laden dinner and dessert are done, take a long walk to not only walk off those extra calories but to replenish your body and mind as well. Taking walks after dinner, especially when you’re on vacation is not only good for you, it lets you mingle with the local culture and see things you might not have ordinarily seen at the same time. 

Eat the Right Way 

For some travellers, eating right quickly falls by the wayside when they are travelling. Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean you should skip meals and fill up on fast food whenever you feel like it. You still need to eat right by making sure to get your daily allowance of fruits, veggies, and cooked meals. From protein shakes to taking advantage of the mini-fridge in your room, there are plenty of ways you can eat right on your vacation. 

For example, instead of hitting the local fast food joint on your way home from the beach, try stopping by the local farmer’s market for some fruits and veggies. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel when you’re not loading up on junk instead of food that is healthier for you.

Split that Dessert 

Instead of completely skipping that huge chocolate fudge sundae at the restaurant, order it and then split it between the two of you. In this way, you get to indulge in the succulent creation, but it’s not as calorie-loaded, because you’re not eating the whole thing by yourself, but instead splitting it with someone you care about. 

These are just a few of the top tips out there for helping you stay fit while you’re travelling. Whether you’re travelling for business or simply taking a week’s vacation with family and friends, these tips will help you stay fit and still have a good time while you’re doing it.

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